
[讨论&话题] 试玩暗黑3后的体验报告


Edited by D3BETA on 12/29/11 11:43 PM (PST)                                
Having played the beta for a little over 20 hours now and managing to get each class up to around level 10, I have the following feedback to report on the game. I realize the beta is a tiny portion of the game so this feedback is really based on my first impressions. Overall, I find myself somewhat disillusioned about the game.

The Good 好的方面

Added Conveniences增加了点方便性: In D3 they added several conveniences to the game which helped keep up the momentum and removed some of the tediousness. You can portal back home without having to carry all those scrolls, you can break down or sell items away from NPC's, and the scroll of companion makes chasing after gold less annoying than before.增加了点可玩性减少了一点无聊。比如说回城不再需要卷轴,比如说卖垃圾分解垃圾也无需非得走到NPC面前,等等。

Destructible Objects易损坏的物品: Much of the environment is destructible which adds a bit of flair while exploring and uncovering each room. Attacking a railing will cause it to crumble and fall to the level below, tables splinter, and chandeliers collapse and douse themselves. Break enough objects in sequence and you're rewarded with small experiences bonuses which add incentive to doing so beyond simply satisfying your destructive tendencies.游戏环境中增加了不少可以被破坏的物品,比如你可以攻击楼梯扶手导致楼梯的崩塌。打坏足够多的物品也能给你一点点经验值,如果你有耐性的话。

The Music音乐: I like what I'm hearing so far. The music that plays while in town is a simple ballad that sounds like it's from the Renaissance. Banjo's, 12-string Guitars, and Sitars all strum out the classic theme we all know so well and really help you feel connected to the atmosphere of the game. Looking forward to hearing more of it!总体来说我是比较喜欢目前的配乐的。让人比较容易融入游戏。

Skill Effects and Audio技能法术的视觉和声音特效: Blizzard's attention to detail really shines through with skill effects and sounds. They truly are a feast for the eyes and ears. 暴雪在这方面还是下功夫了,魔法和技能的视觉效果是一种享受。

You Feel Like a God你会觉得好像神一样: Granted the beta is laughably easy and you can literally smash your face on the keyboard to succeed. But from the moment you enter Sanctuary the hero's truly feel like they possess raw power and it's a wonderful feeling. The barbarian smashes foes through the air with a mighty swing of his weapon, the wizard melts faces with her various skills that are great for crowd control, the width doctor bathes demons in poison and leaves them bubbling on the ground in a pool of green fluid, and the monk is like a ninja on crack.这厮扯了这么一大段,就是想说D III看上去好容易玩啊,无论是哪种角色。

When initially watching beta videos I complained about the moon physics and how goofy it looks. But now that I've played the game it really is a cool sensation when you wack a demon with an axe and send it flying through the air, or the monk punches monsters high up while lightning jumps over its body from a fist of thunder strike.

The Bad 糟糕的方面

UI Frustrations人机界面的失败: The game has some poor UI choices which can be frustrating at times. There's a good chance many of these will be addressed since there's plenty of feedback complaining about them. To name a few: 目前这个内测中见到的UI界面是在是不怎么样而且贯穿始终,略举一二例:

    When opening the large minimap you cannot move your character like you could in D2. The map uses mouse drag to pan so you can't click to execute orders with it open. This makes navigating large rooms a little awkward since you need to constantly toggle the map. Thankfully the mazes aren't complex at all in the beta. 当你打开小地图(背景地图?)时,你将不像在D2里面那样移动你的角色。想象一下如果你需要在一个大迷宫里走动,你将会不停在地图画面和操作画面中切换来切换去。烦也要被烦死。好在内测的敌人都好菜迷宫也好简单。

    You cannot review your skills when not at an alter, which means you have no way of telling what your next unlock is when out in the field. Kind of annoying because I like having something to look forward to.你不能随时查看你的技能树,也就是说你不知道你下一步将要解锁的是那个技能。如果你和我一样也特别喜欢有计划,那你会非常郁闷。

    Not all mouse buttons can be assigned as promised. I have a Logitech G5 which has 8 buttons, but it seems only MOUSE4 is recognized. Not a big deal since I can assign application-specific unique key bindings, but it would be nice to have this out of the box.不是所有的鼠标按键都可以被应用。比如我有个逻辑G5,上面有8个按键,但是只有4个能被识别。

The Ugly 愚蠢的方面

Act 1 Exterior  ACT1的外貌: Visually, D3 is nothing to write home about. I run the game on max settings and 1920x1080 resolution, and yet I think Titan Quest actually looked more impressive than this game. Still, the interiors show a level of depth and detail which is pleasant to look at.视觉上,D3是在是乏善可陈。我使用1920x1080的FULLHD分辨率,而我决定Titan Quest也比这个(D3 ACT1)要强很多。

Act 1 exterior, however, is straight up ugly. Initially it's splattered with patches of color that lack detail, and later on you seemingly leave an Autumn scene and wander through a drab green wasteland with little lighting or visual impressiveness. The characters and monsters don't seem to blend well with their surroundings and stick out in unusual fashion. I couldn't help thinking about Looney Tunes as I charted through Act 1. The backdrops were less detailed than the foreground and looked like oil paintings. If there was a drawer that was going to open on a piece of furniture you knew ahead of time because it was colored differently and seemed to stick out. That what it feels like.细节表现上也很不足。比如如果一个抽屉不太一样,你应该是能看出来它不太一样而且快要掉下来。但是没有,ACT1总是灰暗的,好像是个陈旧的油画。如图。

Leveling is Boring, No Character Development升级枯燥乏味,没有角色发展空间: I've been complaining about this for a long time now, and having now actually played the game can honestly say that leveling is completely boring and unrewarding. I never bothered even looking at my experience bar because I never cared when I was about to level. The most exciting thing was when I gained a new skill slot because that meant slightly changing up the pattern of how I played my character.我对此有长时间以来的抱怨。升级太枯燥了,以至于我从来没有关注过我什么时候可以升级。

Character development advances in a predetermined fashion that Blizzard has already decided for you. The only choice is what skills and equipment to use for the given moment. Most of the time I stuck with the same set of skills since I deemed them the most effective for my playstyle, and rarely did I swap them out except to experiment briefly with how they were used. D3 hardly feels like an RPG at all, and instead is merely a grindfest for getting loot. I can only imagine how much of a yawnfest it'll become once you've reached lvl 30 and there's nothing exciting that takes place when you level. 技能发展路线都被设计好了,你自己没有太多选择。D3让人很难觉得是个RPG,只不过是一直在重复一个任务或者一直在MF。我真的很担心当你达到30级任务都完成后后还有什么事情会让人觉得有趣。

I never got a sense of accomplishment or satisfaction when playing the game. It might be fun playing through once to learn the story, and then once again with each new character to sample them out. But I can't see myself playing through it constantly using the same character without substantial character development or a drive to reach the next level. D3 really is all about the loot and I fear it will get stale quickly. This is my biggest gripe with the game, and I can't see how this game will capture my attention like it did in the past when other modern games offer much more gratification and rewards for playing. Maybe it'll be different when we get B.NET profiles and achievements...but I doubt it. 在内测过程中,从来没能让我感觉到成就感或者是满足感。走一遍攻略看看整个故事梗慨倒是不错,但你换个角色再玩的时候,就又要开始无聊之路了。相比较其他现代游戏都会提供各种各样的成就感,D3这个游戏抓不住我的注意力。也许等它上了战网BATTLE.NET后会有很大改观,但说实话我十分怀疑。
  • ghjk soj +1 我很赞同 2012-1-8 11:32
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