
[资料&新闻] <暴雪问答>暗黑3 PVP系统将非常完善,玩家间无法恶意PK

<暴雪问答>暗黑3 PVP系统将非常完善,玩家间无法恶意PK


Q: How is the PvP system going to be implemented and can a random player just start going crazy?

A: We haven’t announced specifically what we are going to do for PvP but what I can tell you is that we don’t have any intention of supporting the ‘go-hostile-at-any-time’ kind of gameplay from the previous games. We know there are a percentage of players out there who really love it but we feel that it hurts the cooperative game too much. It makes people in the long run not play together which is not what we want. We are going to support PvP and we are going to support it better than any other previous products did. We know there is a really big dueling community and whatever PvP community arising in Diablo III gets a lot more recognition and a lot more support from us so we are working on a system but we are not going to announce anything today.
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