
[讨论&话题] 暗黑3 没有LOADing时间?!

暗黑3 没有LOADing时间?!




A question I was curious to know is will there be loading screens in Diablo 3, and how/when will they be displayed? I know that in WoW the loading screen showed up everytime we entered a new zone, and it would always be 1 of 4 (I think) different loading screens.

I have 2 questions regarding the loading screens:

1) How often do they appear (will D3 have almost-seemless loading like in WoW?)
2) Will they be simple, or an actual wallpaper? (this could detract from the whole 'immersion' thing people like to complain about).

I think there should be the least amount of loading screens possible to keep the continuity of the game's flow, and to keep the user on his toes at all time. If the loading screen is too epic and a little off-point to what's currently happening in the game, the user may lose 'immersion' (personally I don't care, but I'm all for simple loading screens).

My idea for a loading screen would be a pentagram, that has it's 5 points lit one by one as a flame travels along the outer circle. Once complete, the pentagram ignites into flames and the loading screen closes.

Bashiok: There aren't any loading screens. Personally I think it's amazing and I don't understand the magic the programmers have worked, but the game is instant or near instant. The same is true for initial game load. Start up the game, create a character, click a button and the game world shows up. No waiting and no real discernible pause. Mileage may vary slightly of course, but it would (from what I've seen) be in the realm of a second or two second pause at most.
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