
问一下,KC SOR要什么装备,加点如何?

sor KC不好...KC MF值要尽量低 才会掉材料和符文
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I am the bone of my sword.  
Steel is my body, and fire is my blood.

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一定要sor KC么...这些搞下来 真心烧钱 推荐标马 速度最快 而且廉价配置就行 sor还是乖乖MF BOSS和85级场景吧
I am the bone of my sword.  
Steel is my body, and fire is my blood.

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sor只是MF BOSS 也迟早会玩腻的...如果资金充裕 又实在不想玩标马 可以玩NEC
I am the bone of my sword.  
Steel is my body, and fire is my blood.

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不过我也会任性的偏爱一种职业 我宁愿神装弓马去KC 10分钟 也死都不玩标马...虽然....贫民装标马一场只要7分钟 神装只要3分半...不玩不玩 偏不玩:victory:
I am the bone of my sword.  
Steel is my body, and fire is my blood.

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原帖由 857085250 于 2012-6-26 21:14 发表
这个...是口耳相传的...至于真假 就无法验证了...反正要材料肯定是0MF最好~符文么 我听过几个神装电法抱怨说无限自带30MF真不好 不容易掉符文
I am the bone of my sword.  
Steel is my body, and fire is my blood.

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亲 你忘了说那句最重点的 “掉东西主要是看脸” 哈哈
I am the bone of my sword.  
Steel is my body, and fire is my blood.

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I am the bone of my sword.  
Steel is my body, and fire is my blood.

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看吧 我就说 没确实证据的 但是大家都那么传说...
I am the bone of my sword.  
Steel is my body, and fire is my blood.

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