
[资料&新闻] 暗黑3独一无二,变幻莫测的地下场景!!很是期待




大致意思: 我认为在暗黑破坏神3中,地牢与洞穴都是很让人期待的. 1.地牢的感觉是大气,宏伟,宛如史诗般的战场(比如崔斯特瑞姆大教堂).2.洞穴虽没大教堂那种宏伟感,但洞穴中的光线,背景音乐所烘托出来的气氛能让你仿佛置身于神奇的魔法世界,而古墓类型的洞穴则更加阴深..

   每个地下场景都很有自己的特色.这些地方都是变幻莫测的,在不同时间你会看到不同的样子.包括光线的改变:油灯,自然光,红光,紫光,绿光.....(说不定还有眼睛等引起的反射光,还会有背景音乐的变化:比如老鼠,蝙蝠叫) 正是这些变化让战斗变得不再乏味.


    I think there’s a nice juxtaposition between the larger more epic dungeons and the others that may be less epic but have very specific tones and themes associated with them. When you step inside one of the more epic dungeons, like the Tristram cathedral (and considering its past, shouldn’t it be epic?) you immediately know you’re somewhere important. Somewhere that looks and feels magical in its presentation and lighting, as opposed to, say… a cave.

    Still cool! Caves are still awesome, but you probably don’t want magical purple and green lighting in a cave, it’s probably going to have a much different and subdued feel. If it’s a natural cave it may have light streaming in from cracks above, or if it’s a mine it might have lighting from lanterns. Much earthier and natural. Then you walk into some ancient tomb of a powerful wizard, oh crap, this place clearly has something else going on. The lighting is a bit unnatural, maybe some sickly greenish hues to set a theme and mood.

    That type of theming adds a lot to keeping the scenery changing and interesting. If you’re just fighting demons against a grey or brown backdrop for hours and hours, days and days, maybe years and years… it gets boring. Interesting, themed, and contrasting scenery all help ensure visual longevity.

     I think before too long we’ll have shown a nice cross section of the dungeon types and looks. It’s been too long staring at the one dungeon. Each one has a very unique look and feel, so it’s really cool going in to each one and having a total change of scenery. It’s all very exciting and we’re all looking forward to sharing it with you and seeing the fan reactions just as soon as it’s ready.

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