
[资料&新闻] <2009-07-01>1.13补丁的最新进展,有望2周内进行测试




故事 -
从前,我们的内部开发组想要给予DIABLO II更多的关爱。而DIABLO II并不是一座数以百万计的美元环绕的奖杯(几大游戏中,最不能给暴雪带来收入的),因此和其他项目比起来,在开发时间上,DIABLO II只能得到一个后排的座位。但是,有一天,星球联盟了,也是最后的时间,通过发布补丁的方式,给予一位老姑娘一件彩绘的新衣并且在她的弓上开一瓶香槟来庆祝。一切都很顺利,会议举行了,团体的成员聚集到一起并且各抒己见,大家提出了很多很多的想法和改变。最终这些改变被削减为那些必要的,并且在开发时间足够的前提下,比较容易实现的改变。同样这也很顺利。不久之后,警钟敲响了。补丁的进展非常快,发布的时间迫在眉睫。在发布之前,傻子都知道,天梯重置将会伴随着新补丁的发布。因为补丁的发展很顺利,估计2周之后就能发布,而2周的时间也是提前通知玩家关于天梯重置的底限,因此我们马上发布了消息以确保有足够的2周警告时间。关于提前2周提醒玩家天梯重置,这个时间标准,不是因为大家不知道天梯和非天梯人物的区别以及天梯重置对于你们的人物的影响。而是因为伴随着重置,我们的技术支持部门将会面对泄洪一样的数据迁移,所以我们意图早做准备避免不必要的混乱。这些同样进展的很顺利,开发者们很开心,非常期待着能够享受再度为DIABLO II工作的乐趣。然而,大势所趋,必须面对现实。由于魔兽3的问题,工作必须迅速立即重新安排,继续集中于解决魔兽3的一个非常严重的问题。

目前 -
魔兽3的补丁已经在公开测试国度(PTR)进行测试中。一旦补丁发布,我们的工作就可以切回DIABLO II和1.13补丁,我们将会尽快使新补丁在DII自己的PTR上进行测试。大约需要几周的时间。一旦测试开始,对于你们来说,接下来就是确定新东西够不够好,补丁可不可以发布。越多的人加入测试,提供越多的有意义的反馈,补丁就会越好,就越有希望加快发布。所以,我给你们的挑战是。你们已经等了很久吗?你们想要一个惊喜吗?你们想要天梯重置吗?你们要做的就是,测试和反馈,提交详细的描述,关于那些bug,问题和错误,等等。因此,一旦PTR开启,我希望看到那些疯狂的,能毁掉暗黑2经济系统的测试。

Many of you are wondering what's up with the patch and the ladder reset. While I've sprinkled some information around, it's about time it was all mashed up in one easy-to-read location.

The Story - Once upon a time our internal legacy development teams wanted to put some much needed love into Diablo II. Diablo II doesn't have tournaments with millions of dollars swirling about them, so it generally took a back seat to the patch development time of our other legacy titles. But one day the planets aligned, and it was finally time to give the old girl a new coat of paint and break a bottle of champagne over her bow with the release of a patch. This went well. Meetings were held, the community was involved and polled, and an extremely long list of ideas and changes was created. That list was then cut down to changes felt to be either necessary changes, or easily implemented to ensure development time was efficient. This also went well. Not long after, the alarm bells sounded. The patch was progressing quickly, and the release was potentially imminent. Early on it was decided, and somewhat of a no-brainer, that a ladder reset with coincide with the patch release. With the patch progressing well, a potential release of two weeks was estimated, and as always this is the exact amount of forewarning given to players and the community before a ladder reset. An announcement was made quickly and immediately to ensure a full two week notice was given. There are many reasons for this standard two-week notice, not the least of which is that most players don't understand the meaning of ladder and non-ladder, and how a reset affects their characters. Following any reset our support departments are flooded with issues related to the change of their characters, so we attempt to inform beforehand and avoid any unnecessary confusion. This was all well and good, the community was excited, and the developers were having fun and enjoying being able to work on Diablo II again. Then, as it tends to do, reality struck. Work had to be swiftly and immediately realigned and has and continues to be focused on addressing issues for a different title to resolve a very serious issue.

The Now - The Warcraft III patch is now on the Public Test Realm (PTR) and testing is progressing. Once that patch is released work can shift back to Diablo II and the 1.13 patch, and we'll be working to getting that patch up on its own PTR as soon as possible. This could be a matter of weeks. Once it's up and in a testing state for all of you, it's then going to be a matter of ensuring the features are good and it's a solid patch. The more people we have testing the patch and providing valid feedback, the better the patch will be, and hopefully the quicker it will be released. So that's my challenge to you. You've been waiting a long time, you want an awesome patch, you want a reset. To get all that, we need good solid testing and feedback, reproduction steps for bugs, detailed descriptions of issues or errors, etc. So once this goes live on the PTR, I expect some crazed-youruinedtheeconomy-testing.

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