
[游戏下载] 暗黑3 beta破解版(7月5日更新正式版破解连接)

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[28.04.2012 05:30:23.875] [ Info] [Program]: mooege v1.9359.4497.10088 warming-up..
[28.04.2012 05:30:23.890] [ Info] [MPQStorage]: Initializing MPQ storage..
[28.04.2012 05:30:23.906] [Trace] [MPQPatchChain]: Added base-mpq file: CoreData.mpq.
[28.04.2012 05:30:23.906] [Trace] [MPQPatchChain]: Added base-mpq file: ClientData.mpq.
[28.04.2012 05:30:23.937] [Trace] [MPQPatchChain]: Added patch file: /base/d3-update-base-9359.MPQ.
[28.04.2012 05:30:23.968] [Trace] [MPQPatchChain]: Applying file: d3-update-base-9359.MPQ.
[28.04.2012 05:30:24.515] [Trace] [MPQPatchChain]: Applying file: ClientData.mpq.
[28.04.2012 05:30:24.671] [Trace] [MPQPatchChain]: Applying file: CoreData.mpq.
[28.04.2012 05:30:24.796] [Trace] [MPQPatchChain]: All files successfully applied.
[28.04.2012 05:30:24.796] [ Info] [Data]: Reading assets from MPQ data..
[28.04.2012 05:30:25.984] [Trace] [Data]: Found a total of 48170 assets from CoreTOC.dat catalog and postponed loading because lazy loading is activated.
[28.04.2012 05:30:26.343] [Trace] [Data]: Found a total of 46166 assets from TOC.dat catalog and postponed loading because lazy loading is activated.
[28.04.2012 05:30:26.375] [Fatal] [Program]: Mooege terminating because of unhandled exception. - [Exception] System.TypeInitializationException: 'Mooege.Common.MPQ.MPQStorage' 的型別初始設定式發生例外狀況。 ---> System.IO.FileNotFoundException: 無法載入檔案或組件 'System.Data.SQLite.dll' 或其相依性的其中之一。 找不到指定的模組。
   於 Mooege.Common.MPQ.Data.LoadDBCatalog()
   於 Mooege.Common.MPQ.Data.LoadCatalogs()
   於 Mooege.Common.MPQ.Data.Init()
   於 Mooege.Common.MPQ.MPQStorage..cctor()
   --- 內部例外狀況堆疊追蹤的結尾 ---
   於 Mooege.Common.MPQ.MPQStorage.get_Initialized()
   於 Mooege.Program.Main(String[] args)

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快改好了就差一點點 , 懇求高手幫忙, 人物創好了,要進到地圖就出現錯誤

[28.04.2012 08:14:19.843] [Trace] [RPCObject]: { GameAccount: mooege#0020 [lowId: 26990464] } set current screen to 4.
[28.04.2012 08:14:19.843] [Trace] [MooNetClient]: [RPC: { Client: test@ }] Method: Void <UpdateSubscribers>b__0() Target: { GameAccount: mooege#0020 [lowId: 26990464] } [localId: 3, remoteId: 2].
[28.04.2012 08:14:19.843] [Trace] [PresenceService]: Update() { Client: test@ } { GameAccount: mooege#0020 [lowId: 26990464] } - 1 Operations        D3, Party, 2
[28.04.2012 08:14:20.031] [Error] [WorldGenerator]: Can't find a valid world definition for sno: 71150
[28.04.2012 08:14:20.031] [ Warn] [Game]: Failed to generate world with sno: 71150
[28.04.2012 08:14:20.062] [Debug] [Server]: ReceiveCallback - [Exception] System.NullReferenceException: 並未將物件參考設定為物件的執行個體。
   於 Mooege.Core.GS.Actors.Actor..ctor(World world, Int32 snoId, TagMap tags)
   於 Mooege.Core.GS.Players.Player..ctor(World world, GameClient client, Toon bnetToon)
   於 Mooege.Net.GS.ClientManager.OnJoinGame(GameClient client, JoinBNetGameMessage message)
   於 Mooege.Net.GS.ClientManager.Consume(GameClient client, GameMessage message)
   於 Mooege.Net.GS.GameClient.Parse(ConnectionDataEventArgs e)
   於 Mooege.Net.GS.GameServer.GameServer_DataReceived(Object sender, ConnectionDataEventArgs e)
   於 Mooege.Net.Server.OnDataReceived(ConnectionDataEventArgs e)
   於 Mooege.Net.Server.ReceiveCallback(IAsyncResult result)

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