
[游戏下载] 暗黑3 beta破解版(7月5日更新正式版破解连接)


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回复 2184# 的帖子


  _ __ ___    ___    ___    ___   __ _   ___
| '_ ` _ \  / _ \  / _ \  / _ \ / _` | / _ \
| | | | | || (_) || (_) ||  __/| (_| ||  __/
|_| |_| |_| \___/  \___/  \___| \__, | \___|

Copyright (C) 2011 - 2012, mooege project
mooege comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain cond
itions; see the LICENSE file for details.

[ Info] [Program]: mooege v1.9359.4497.10088 warming-up..
[ Info] [MPQStorage]: Initializing MPQ storage..
[Trace] [MPQPatchChain]: Added base-mpq file: CoreData.mpq.
[Trace] [MPQPatchChain]: Added base-mpq file: ClientData.mpq.
[Trace] [MPQPatchChain]: Added patch file: /base/d3-update-base-7170.MPQ.
[Trace] [MPQPatchChain]: Added patch file: /base/d3-update-base-7200.MPQ.
[Trace] [MPQPatchChain]: Added patch file: /base/d3-update-base-7318.MPQ.
[Trace] [MPQPatchChain]: Added patch file: /base/d3-update-base-7338.MPQ.
[Trace] [MPQPatchChain]: Added patch file: /base/d3-update-base-7447.MPQ.
[Trace] [MPQPatchChain]: Added patch file: /base/d3-update-base-7728.MPQ.
[Trace] [MPQPatchChain]: Added patch file: /base/d3-update-base-7841.MPQ.
[Trace] [MPQPatchChain]: Added patch file: /base/d3-update-base-7931.MPQ.
[Trace] [MPQPatchChain]: Added patch file: /base/d3-update-base-8059.MPQ.
[Trace] [MPQPatchChain]: Added patch file: /base/d3-update-base-8101.MPQ.
[Trace] [MPQPatchChain]: Added patch file: /base/d3-update-base-8296.MPQ.
[Trace] [MPQPatchChain]: Added patch file: /base/d3-update-base-8350.MPQ.
[Trace] [MPQPatchChain]: Added patch file: /base/d3-update-base-8392.MPQ.
[Trace] [MPQPatchChain]: Added patch file: /base/d3-update-base-8610.MPQ.
[Trace] [MPQPatchChain]: Added patch file: /base/d3-update-base-8815.MPQ.
[Trace] [MPQPatchChain]: Added patch file: /base/d3-update-base-8896.MPQ.
[Trace] [MPQPatchChain]: Added patch file: /base/d3-update-base-9183.MPQ.
[Trace] [MPQPatchChain]: Added patch file: /base/d3-update-base-9327.MPQ.
[Trace] [MPQPatchChain]: Added patch file: /base/d3-update-base-9359.MPQ.
[Trace] [MPQPatchChain]: Applying file: d3-update-base-9359.MPQ.
[Trace] [MPQPatchChain]: Applying file: d3-update-base-9327.MPQ.
[Trace] [MPQPatchChain]: Applying file: d3-update-base-9183.MPQ.
[Trace] [MPQPatchChain]: Applying file: d3-update-base-8896.MPQ.
[Trace] [MPQPatchChain]: Applying file: d3-update-base-8815.MPQ.
[Trace] [MPQPatchChain]: Applying file: d3-update-base-8610.MPQ.
[Trace] [MPQPatchChain]: Applying file: d3-update-base-8392.MPQ.
[Trace] [MPQPatchChain]: Applying file: d3-update-base-8350.MPQ.
[Trace] [MPQPatchChain]: Applying file: d3-update-base-8296.MPQ.
[Trace] [MPQPatchChain]: Applying file: d3-update-base-8101.MPQ.
[Trace] [MPQPatchChain]: Applying file: d3-update-base-8059.MPQ.
[Trace] [MPQPatchChain]: Applying file: d3-update-base-7931.MPQ.
[Trace] [MPQPatchChain]: Applying file: d3-update-base-7841.MPQ.
[Trace] [MPQPatchChain]: Applying file: d3-update-base-7728.MPQ.
[Trace] [MPQPatchChain]: Applying file: d3-update-base-7447.MPQ.
[Trace] [MPQPatchChain]: Applying file: d3-update-base-7338.MPQ.
[Trace] [MPQPatchChain]: Applying file: d3-update-base-7318.MPQ.
[Trace] [MPQPatchChain]: Applying file: d3-update-base-7200.MPQ.
[Trace] [MPQPatchChain]: Applying file: d3-update-base-7170.MPQ.
[Trace] [MPQPatchChain]: Applying file: ClientData.mpq.
[Trace] [MPQPatchChain]: Applying file: CoreData.mpq.
[Trace] [MPQPatchChain]: All files successfully applied.
[ Info] [Data]: Reading assets from MPQ data..
[Fatal] [Program]: Mooege terminating because of unhandled exception. - [Excepti
on] System.TypeInitializationException: “Mooege.Common.MPQ.MPQStorage”的类型初
始值设定项引发异常。 ---> System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: 无法加
载一个或多个请求的类型。有关更多信息,请检索 LoaderExceptions 属性。
   在 System.Reflection.RuntimeModule.GetTypes(RuntimeModule module)
   在 System.Reflection.RuntimeModule.GetTypes()
   在 System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes()
   在 Mooege.Common.MPQ.Data.InitCatalog()
   在 Mooege.Common.MPQ.Data.Init()
   在 Mooege.Common.MPQ.MPQStorage..cctor()
   --- 内部异常堆栈跟踪的结尾 ---
   在 Mooege.Common.MPQ.MPQStorage.get_Initialized()
   在 Mooege.Program.Main(String[] args)

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