

1.G9 -> 1.G9b


- Reduced low level damage of all regular level 1-12 minions to prevent afking through Act 1 Hatred.
- Normalised some mana costs.


- 焚尸之火: reduced low level damage.
- 月神斗士: renamed to Moon Queen.
- 弹射: changed effect - now works like chain lightning.
- Ecstatic Frenzy replaces 鲜血契约: toggleable rage buff.
- Spellbind replaces 领袖: curse that stuns a small area of enemies.


- 蜘蛛之路: reduced low level damage, improved damage ramp.


- 瘟疫化身: removed irritating cast sound.
- 暴怒: reduced speed bonus so the character remains controllable...
- 火焰之雨 now has the 冰雹 icon. (Yes, another useless change you can whine about, because having skills with wrong icons is np and I should just add a new uberlevel instead of making this very time-consuming change)
- Cyclone replaces 冰雹: channeled PBAoE chill and damage.


- Black Mass: corrected description; reduced avoidance cap from 50% to 35%.
- 熔火之心图腾: reduced damage but increased rate of fire.
- 暴风之眼图腾: reduced damage but increased rate of fire.


- 神秘之血: renamed to Witch Blood, increased life return from +2 to +5 per level.
- 时间力场: renamed to Chronofield.


- 暗影风暴: reduced damage. (There's 冰雹 now. It is okay to have a very good oskill, but when it is so important, it shouldn't be that laggy. 冰雹 is far less laggy)


Magic and rare affixes

- Added 冰雹 oskill to the affix pool of 项链.
- Added 冰雹 on-attack proc to the affix pool of 剃刀 and 圣骑矛.


- Corrected broken special characters in trophy name strings (ty stupid editor).


- 冰晶圆弧 神圣复合弓: updated proc link to refer to the new 冰雹 location.
- 地狱之雨 神圣女士标枪: updated proc link to refer to the new 冰雹 location.


-  Fal(19)  亚马逊专属头盔: updated proc link to refer to the new 冰雹 location.
-  Lai(49)  权杖: now gives a +% minion damage bonus instead of a PoB bonus.
-  Taha(51)  标枪: 海妖光环 now oskill.
-  Io(16)  亚马逊专属标枪: now gives an Ecstatic Frenzy bonus instead of a PoB bonus.
-  Ghal(52)  亚马逊专属头盔: removed PoB stat, but increased 魔法飞弹 bonus.

Cube recipes

- 肾上腺素 now requires a 心脏 and 蜡烛 as well.


- Increased monster damage in the early game.
- Increased monster life by 0-50% in the early game.

- Andariel: increased all spell damages, especially Meteor Shower.
- All Fallen Shaman types: increased Fire Wall damage.

- The Vizier has his minion back.


- Added witches back in Hatred difficulty. FFS.
- Increased experience gain from level 0-2.

1.F9h -> 1.G9



- 凤凰之路: increased damage.
- 蜘蛛之路: increased damage.


- Black Mass replaces 黑暗护盾: channel to give self and nearby minions avoidance, heal on striking and ITD.


- Halved Magic Missiles damage from enemies.

- Buzzsaw: reduced Starburst skill level.
- Dark Horizon: reduced Magic Missiles skill level.
- Deathfire Bearer: reduced Flamefront skill level.
- Deathless: reduced Angelfire skill level.
- Fireblood
- Fire Prince: death AoE spam reduced in duration.
- Frost Raptor: slightly reduced Lemures skill level.
- High Priestess: slow % reduced.
- Knight of Death: reduced duration of the stat curse to 3 seconds.
- Marbled Frog: slow % reduced.
- Que-Hegan: now casts a magic damage beam instead of the bugged thing; hallucination slow % reduced; hallucinations no longer leave corpses.
- Shock Sting: reduced Flash skill level.
- Steel Crusher: reduced Prowl skill level.
- Tempest Mage: reduced pack size.

- Bane Hunter: reduced speed, reduced Bladestorm damage.
- Clawstorm: reduced speed.
- Fairy Witch: reduced Rain of Fire skill level.
- Landmass: reduced speed, reduced Earthquake damage.

- The Smith: reduced speed and damage on Hatred.

- Mephisto: reduced hp on Hatred difficulty; now uses Mind Flay instead of Winter Avatar for less lag.
- Diablo: reduced all skill levels.
- Baal: added missing resistances; reduced speed of Shardspawn minions.

- Witches: changed description string.


- Act 1 女祭司: replaced 血潮图腾 with 神圣护甲 due to pathing issues.


- Enabled Signet of Learning drop at lower levels.
- Increased rune drop rate at low levels.
- Reduced Kurast and Worldstone Keep monster density.
- Removed Witches from Hatred difficulty.
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