
有人玩霜星sor不 什么样装备合格

Weapon        Death's Fathom(in Rainbow Facet ColdDie jew)
Shield        Runeword Spirit
Weapon2        Runeword Call to Arms
Shield2        Runeword Spirit
Helm        Nightwings' Veil(in Rainbow Facet ColdDie jew)
Armor        Skin of the Vipermagi/Ormus' Robes(in Rainbow Facet ColdDie)
Amulet        Mara's Kaleidoscope/Rare/Craft(Strength,+2skills,FCR)
Gloves        Magefist
Boots        Silkweave/Sandstrom Trek
Rings        The Stone of Jordan
Belt        Arachnid Mesh
Chams        ULC,USC,Cold GC*9,some SC(life,mana)
Skill        Frost Nova,Blizzard,Frozen Orb,Telekinesis,Energy Shield Max
Strong to 156,all to Energy
PET        Act II(Prayer)
Weapon        Runeword Insight
Helm        Guillaume's Face/Andariel's Visage
Armor        Runeword Fortitude
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