Description: MIRV is a series of randomly fired nukes. (Radius? Appearance? Damage?)
Area(s): Vizjun
Tips: A volley of minions are summoned in rapid succession which can quickly overwhelm you if not dealt with quickly! Purify and kill Uber boss MCS quickly to avoid damage. MIRV says, "Preparing MIRV launch" ~2 seconds before the nuclear warnings!
Molten Fireball Attack
Description: This attack is a large, slow moving fireball which rolls in a straight pattern on the floor for approximately half a screen before stopping; it leaves a trail of fire behind it as it rolls. If you are within a yard of the fireball or in the aftermath of its flame trail, you will take indirect damage which is substantial, but will not kill you outright! However if you get hit directly by the fireball, the fire damage is great and can instantly slay you! The damage from this attack increases with difficulty (i.e. Destruction). In Tran Athula, there are two towers which propagate this attack when you are within half a screen of the tower. In Chaos Sanctuary, there are invisible Regurgitators that shoot these things out at you!
Area(s): Tran Athula (top left corner); Chaos Sanctuary (Invisible Regurgitators)
Tips: In Tran Athula, the Molten Fireballs always roll from West to East and the targetable towers are in the center of the top-left room, however you will not be able to reach them and destroy them before a few Molten Fireballs are deployed! Because of this, the easiest way to avoid death is to use a missile type attack or summons to destroy the towers. In Chaos Sanctuary, the best tip for melee is to just don't stop moving! For missile type attacks, including spell damage, just do what you do best and cast ahead of yourself and you shouldn't get struck!
Description: The Punisher is a rotating ninja star which slowly moves outward. There are a three variety of Punisher devices: traps, torrents, and attacks. When a Punisher trap activates, you will see a ring of rotating ninja stars slow moving in a circular pattern outward from the device. A Punisher torrent or attack is a single Punisher ninja star shot at a time! After a screen and a halves length or when hitting a solid object, the Punisher abruptly ends and vanishes - if any of these stars touches you, you drop to one hit point; in the trap variety, you also take damage from the ninja stars, consequently killing you instantly. Additionally, the Uber Boss Malic shoots them.
Area(s): Torrents: Ureh, Khalimgrad; Attacks: Malic in the Isle of the Sunless Sea, Belial in the Icy Cellar of Ancients' Way, and when Imperius/Mathael use Liche Form in Judgment Day quest; And finally any clickable object is a potential Punisher trap.
Tips: Avoid them at all costs! When you hit a clickable object and hear that ominous “clicking” sound indicative of a trap, run away! When the trap is sprung, you have 2-seconds before it activates. Besides, even if it’s not the Punisher Nova Trap, it’s most likely going to hurt!
Rathma's Chosen
Description: This spell augments minions with 50k of magic damage for a short duration! The minion will ( APPEARANCE? ) when under the effects of this spell! Nihlathak's casts this spell on his minions when you engage him!
Area(s): Nihlathak's temple
Tips: Use summons to keep his minions away from you until the effects of Rathma's Chosen wears off.
Description: Witches can appear anywhere in certain areas (see Area(s)), and can usually be heard singing their haunting song up to a screen away, however if they are not activated yet, you may not hear them until your right on top of them! They always let off a mystical purplish, white aura. If you get within half a screen of a witch, you will be Pounced by her after a delay of ~1 second; if you are further than this, she will not pounce you! The witch will always pounce the closest target first, usually taking your mercenary/minions first, however beware her radius: when she pounces, she kills everything around her in a 3-yard radius with "burn" damage! After a pounce, the witch will be inert for a few seconds until her Pounce timer is up (see Tips). The witch cannot be hurt or killed, so do not attempt to kill her!
Area(s): Act 1: Tamoe Highlands, Act 1: Countess Tower (Forgotten Tower: Level 5 in Terror and Destruction), Act 2: Rocky Wastes, Act 5: Frozen Tundra
Tips: Take it slow when walking in the areas mentioned above. When you hear a witch or see her aura, turn the other way or use summons from Mystic Orbs sold at magic vendors to get her out of the way and/or make her inert for the duration of the timer so you can run past. The pounce's timers are 9/7/5 for Hatred/Terror/Hell respectively.
*****!!!AREAS OF CAUTION!!!*****
Diablo's Flamestrike
Description: When you engage Diablo in ranged (non-melee) combat, he will fire off a Flamestrike at your location doing a large amount of fire damage! Flamestrike is a pillar of fire which drops from the sky and explodes into a 6-meter radius explosion on the ground!
Area(s): Diablo in Chaos Sanctuary
Tips: Just before the Flamestirke hits, a red circle will appear underneath your feet as warning; use this indicator to move! Melee characters don't need to fear this attack.
Description://NEED TO UPDATE
Tips:Spell cast after death by Jitan's guardsmen - don't run into it!//NEED TO UPDATE