暗黑3社区管理员"Bashiok" |
回复: 掉落系统决定玩家不会只得到好装备或该玩家能使用的专有装备.如果打出了不想要的装备,我们鼓励玩家交易,NPC,或把装备送给朋友. 暗黑2的一些乐趣是尝试使用非本职业的装备,比如法师拿着把斧头,野蛮人施展法术.但显然不是很爽,我们总结了暗黑2的优劣,我们认为相对于拥有千奇百怪的装备,我们认为让玩家拥有更多的技能和技能符文产生的特效会更有乐趣.(比如暗黑2最近很流行的新星能量盾法师,就是技能特效的一个成功典范,不过依然需要无限作为手拿装备,多少不完美!而暗黑3出现了技能符文,就不会出现这种尴尬的局面了,所以说D3乐趣的重心不是不断地换装备,而是改变技能搭配,创造无数的个性职业)所以我们现在的工作重点就是技能符文,只有创造出完美的技能符文系统才能保证技能的帅气多样.(个人认为装备的好坏还是会成为技能伤害的重要指标,不过技能搭配与不同的技能符文组合可能会决定玩家穿什么装备更好更适合.)
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We don’t want to bias the drop system into only giving you items you want or can use, it would be a trading and economic killer. We want to encourage trading and encourage people to see worth in items even if they can’t use them - give them to friends, use them for other characters, sell them, trade them, etc. Along those lines but somewhat off-topic we do now have some restrictions on weapon types usable by each class. It’s been part of the game for a while now. Allowing every class to use every weapon type was actually going to require a huge amount of time and effort and it would have meant cutting out or cutting into other features. We evaluated really how often people would want to have their class holding a weapon type that (traditionally) contradicted their class-style versus that work going in to other features - specifically having a lot more skills and a lot more skill-rune effects. We made the obvious choice which is making sure there are a ton of awesome skills and rune effects to choose from. Because I can see the conclusions being jumped to RIGHT NOW in my old cranium - let me state that weapon types do not dictate stats. At least not wholly (barbarians can’t use staves so there’s no point in allowing fury related stats on them). We understand that the game is about variation, customization, and experimentation in class builds. We’re not World of Warcraft, we’re not looking to make weapon stats “optimal” for the types and classes that will use them. Which is to say, we’re not going to put specific stats in specific amounts on each weapon of a specific type because we’re making assumptions about what each class wants out of their stats. We want variation, and experimentation, and all that good stuff. These restrictions don’t affect those goals, it really just means you probably won’t see a wizard lugging around a two-handed axe. Kind of a bummer, but then think about what it affords us to work on with more and better looking skills, a more robust rune-skill system, etc. We want to spend our time and effort on what makes sense to making the game better.
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