选择完符合条件的Normal Items之后,如果是在normal难度,则这些
如果是在nightmare或hell难度,则这些Normal Item将有机会升级为
exceptional或elite物品,具体几率如下(by Jarulf):
chance of a normal item to be exceptional:
( 64 × (clvl+5) / 1000 + 4 )%
never Elite
chance of a normal item to be elite:
( 16 × (clvl+5) / 1000 + 1 )%
if it fails,chance of this item to be exceptional:
( 128 × (clvl+5) / 1000 + 5 )%
●Act I
●Other Acts
Weapons Act2 Act3 Act4 Act5
War Spike Fara Hralti Halbu ×
Berserker Axe × Hralti Halbu Larzuk
Decapitator Fara Hralti × ×
Champion Axe × Hralti × ×
Glorious Axe × Hralti Halbu Larzuk
Lich Wand Drognan Ormus Jamella Malah
Unearthed Wand × Ormus Jamella Malah
Caduceus × Ormus Jamella Malah
Thunder Maul × × Halbu Larzuk
Phase Blade Drognan Ormus Jamella Larzuk
Mythical Sword × Hralti Halbu Larzuk,Malah
Champion Sword × Hralti Halbu Larzuk
Colossal Sword × Hralti Halbu Larzuk
Colossal Blade × × Halbu Larzuk
Fanged Knife Fara Hralti Halbu Malah
Legend Spike × Hralti Halbu Malah
Ghost Spear Fara Asheara Halbu ×
War Pike Fara Asheara Halbu Larzuk
Cryptic Axe × Hralti Halbu ×
Great Poleaxe × Hralti Halbu Larzuk
Giant Thresher × × Halbu Larzuk
Shillelah Drognan Ormus Jamella Malah
Archon Staff × Ormus Jamella Malah
Ward Bow × Asheara Jamella Larzuk
Hydra Bow × × Jamella Larzuk
Colossus Crossbow × Asheara Jamella Larzuk
Demon Crossbow × × Jamella Larzuk
Feral Claws × Hralti × ×
Runic Talons × Hralti ×* Anya
Scissors Suwayyah × × Halbu Larzuk,Anya
Winged Knife Fara Asheara Halbu Malah
Winged Axe Fara Asheara Halbu Malah
Ghost Glaive Fara Asheara Jamella Anya,Malah
Winged Harpoon × × Halbu Anya,Malah
* * *
* * *
Armor Act2 Act3 Act4 Act5
Giant Conch F A
Spired Helm H,A H L
Corona H H,J L
Demonhead O J
Hellforged Plate H H,J L
Lacquered Plate O H L
Shadow Plate H L
Sacred Armor H L,A
Archon Plate H L,A
Aegis F H H,J L
Ward H H L,A
Crusader GauntletsF A H L,A
Ogre Gauntlets A H L,A
Mirrored Boots F A H L,A
Myrmidon Greaves A H L,A
Bone Visage Dro O A
Troll Nest Dro O A
Blade Barrier Dro A
(suffixes of amazon skills):
Name alvl rlvl min max itemtype
of Magic Arrows 12 11 -30 -10 除glove外(默认)
of Fire Arrows 40 32 -20 -6 glove
of Inner Sight 18 14 -30 -6
of Inner Sight 50 42 -20 -4 glove
of Cold Arrows 15 16 -30 -8
of Cold Arrows 47 39 -20 -5 glove
of Multiple Shot 18 19 -30 -8
of Multiple Shot 63 55 -20 -4 glove
of Power Strike 12 13 -60 -6
of Power Strike 55 47 -20 -4 glove
of Exploding Arrows 30 26 -30 -6
of Exploding Arrows 69 61 -20 -4 glove
of Ice Arrows 36 28 -30 -5
of Ice Arrows 72 64 -20 -3 glove
of Charged Strike 33 25 -60 -5
of Charged Strike 68 60 -20 -3 glove
of Freezing Arrows 50 42 -30 -4
of Freezing Arrows 94 86 -20 -2 glove
of Lightning Strike 47 39 -60 -4
of Lightning Strike 90 82 -20 -2 glove
(Suffixes of sor skills):
Name alvl rlvl min max itemtype
of Fire Bolts 7 7 -30 -10 staff,orb
of Fire Bolts 14 14 -20 -6 除staff,orb外(默认)
of Charged Bolts 7 7 -30 -10 staff,orb
of Charged Bolts 14 14 -20 -6
of Ice Bolts 7 7 -30 -10 staff,orb
of Ice Bolts 14 14 -20 -6
of Telekinesis 12 12 -30 -8 staff,orb
of Telekinesis 24 24 -20 -5
of Frost Novas 12 12 -30 -8 staff,orb
of Frost Novas 24 24 -20 -5
of Ice Blasts 12 12 -30 -8 staff,orb
of Ice Blasts 24 24 -20 -5
of Fire Balls 18 18 -30 -7 staff,orb
of Fire Balls 36 36 -20 -4
of Novas 18 18 -30 -7 staff,orb
of Novas 36 36 -20 -4
of Lightning 18 18 -30 -7 staff,orb
of Lightning 36 36 -20 -4
of Enchantment 24 24 -20 -3 staff,orb
of Enchantment 48 48 -10 -1
of Chain Lightning 24 24 -30 -6 staff,orb
of Chain Lightning 48 48 -20 -3
of Teleportation 24 24 -30 -6 staff,orb
of Teleportation 48 48 -20 -3
of Glacial Spikes 24 24 -30 -6 staff,orb
of Glacial Spikes 48 48 -20 -3
of Meteors 30 30 -30 -5 staff,orb
of Meteors 60 60 -20 -2
of Blizzards 30 30 -30 -5 staff,orb
of Blizzards 60 60 -20 -2
of Frozen Orbs 36 36 -30 -3 staff,orb
of Frozen Orbs 72 72 -20 -1
(Suffixes of nec skills):
Name alvl rlvl min max itemtype
of Teeth 7 7 -60 -10 wand knif head
of Teeth 14 14 -20 -6 swor
of Dim Vision 12 12 -60 -8 wand knif head
of Dim Vision 24 24 -20 -5 ring circ
of Weaken 12 12 -60 -8 wand knif head
of Weaken 24 24 -20 -5 glov
of Poison Dagger 12 12 -60 -8 knif head
of Poison Dagger 24 24 -20 -5 glov ring circ
of Terror 18 18 -60 -7 wand knif head
of Terror 36 36 -20 -4 shld
of Confusion 24 24 -60 -6 wand knif head
of Confusion 48 48 -20 -3 ring circ
of Life Tap 24 24 -60 -6 wand knif head
of Life Tap 48 48 -20 -3 axe
of Bone Spears 24 24 -60 -6 wand knif head
of Bone Spears 48 48 -20 -3 spea
of Attraction 30 30 -60 -5 wand knif head
of Attraction 60 60 -20 -2 ring amul circ
of Lower Resistance 36 36 -60 -3 wand knif head
of Lower Resistance 72 72 -20 -1 staf
of Poison Novas 36 36 -60 -3 wand knif head
of Poison Novas 72 72 -20 -1 glov
of Bone Spirits 36 36 -60 -3 wand knif head
of Bone Spirits 72 72 -20 -1 amul circ
(Suffixes of paladin skills):
Name alvl rlvl min max itemtype
of Sacrifice 7 7 -30 -10 scep ashd
of Sacrifice 14 14 -20 -6 mele(除scep外)
of Holy Bolts 12 12 -30 -8 scep ashd
of Holy Bolts 24 24 -20 -5 amul circ
of Zeal 18 18 -30 -7 scep ashd
of Zeal 36 36 -20 -4 mele(除scep外)
of Vengeance 24 24 -30 -6 scep ashd
of Vengeance 48 48 -20 -3 swor axe
of Blessed Hammers 24 24 -30 -6 scep ashd
of Blessed Hammers 48 48 -20 -3 hamm
(suffixes of barbarian skills):
Name alvl rlvl min max itemtype
of Bashing 7 7 -60 -10 phlm(bb专用帽)
of Bashing 14 14 -20 -6 mele*
of Stunning 18 18 -60 -7 phlm
of Stunning 36 36 -20 -4 mele
of Concentration 24 24 -60 -6 phlm
of Concentration 48 48 -20 -3 mele*
of Grim Ward 30 30 -60 -5 phlm
of Grim Ward 60 60 -20 -2 amul
注:"mele*"指除staff,orb,wand外的melee weapons
(Suffixes of druid skills):
Name alvl rlvl min max itemtype
of Firestorms 7 7 -30 -10 club
of Firestorms 14 14 -20 -6 staf
of Eruption 18 18 -30 -7 club
of Eruption 36 36 -20 -4 staf
of Twister 24 24 -30 -6 club
of Twister 48 48 -20 -3 amul circ
of Volcano 30 30 -30 -6 club
of Volcano 60 60 -20 -3 hamm
of Tornado 30 30 -30 -5 club
of Tornado 60 60 -20 -2 amul circ