1.F9d -> 1.F9e
- 焚尸之火: increased minimum damage.
- 血色风暴: fixed hitshift issue where damage was twice as high as intended.
- 狮搏: increased defense bonus.
- 月神斗士: removed deadly strike.
- 突袭: now has a 0.8 second timer if oskill.
- 复仇之魂: removed damage bonus from aura.
- 召唤火元素: reduced base hp by 33%; capped at 15 elementals.
- 厄运: reduced damage bonus by 25% and reduced synergy (TTAD on missiles is fixed though).
- 涡轮II型: AoE now deals 1/4 damage; main missile is still 1/2.
- 凤凰之路: reduced damage.
- 蜘蛛之路: toned down increasing returns.
- 雄鹰光环: Added -50% damage penalty (cumulative with strength/dex damage).
- 召唤拉米亚: removed Doom graphic and reduced curse radius but increased frequency back to 100%.
- 圣歌: duration +5 minutes if you have hard points into the skill.
- 蜘蛛缠身: slightly adjusted damage in unclear direction.
- 禁忌风暴: increased maximum damage.
- 神秘之血: added +2 life per kill per level.
Other skills
- 召唤海妖 : proc is now correct.
- '目标承受附加伤害' modifier now affects missiles.
- Fixed procs on: 魏士强的卫星锅 神圣轻圆盾, 和平使者 飞鹰头盔(神圣), 全视图 图腾盾.
- Reduced revive chance on: 灭绝边缘 大斧.
- Enabled 世界之基石 暗金珠宝 in single player.
- 优秀符文之语 now require level 60.
- Reduced proc rate on: Krys(54) 亚马逊专属盾. (Lag)
- Disabled 突袭 on striking magical modifier.
- Disabled 神圣护盾 oskill magical modifier.
- Reduced ctc 尖刺新星 on kill from 25% to 10% for lag reasons.
- 魔女 deal 50K physical and 50K magical, instead of simply instakill damage.
[ 本帖最后由 gcg0036 于 2011-1-16 17:03 编辑 ]