quick explanation on spell damage:
slvl_progression is the increase in damage when you have higher skill level. In MXL this is related to the skill tier, see this spreadsheet for the actual numbers.
clvl_progression is the increase in damage when your character gain levels. Each character level gives a bonus of 20%, so clvl_progression=1+clvl*0.2
spell_damage% is just the spell damage % from various items/skills.
技能伤害%就是你装备护符等等物品上附带的 +XX技能伤害%
stat_bonus is the damage bonus from energy and strength if you have str factor. It has 3 parts, please see this page (from the main site) for the details (but it doesn't agree with values in game now). Note that the sum of the bonus from energy factor and strength factor is capped at 200%. The damage bonus of Bacchanalia and Mystic Blood is also added here, but the bonus of Bacchanalia is capped at 250% and they only work on Amazon and Sorceress spells respectively.
属性点加成指的是精力因子或力量因子的加成(如果你有这项属性的话)。它由3部分组成,具体请参考官方主页(实际资料和目前游戏有所出入)。注意由精力/力量因子获得的加成封顶为200%。Bacchanalia 和 Mystic Blood 技能的加成也算在这部分中,但Bacchanalia 加成封顶为250%,而且它们分别只对ama和sor的法术起作用
[ 本帖最后由 rainbowcleave 于 2011-1-8 22:51 编辑 ]