
[原创] 我凝望深渊 身后传来: 想跳吗??? 单飞个人水楼!





貌似现实生活里  很多人都容易犯上一个毛病:容易带上所谓的“关羽情结”的类似情绪

要是三国里  很多人都认为自己是当世关羽  那肯定早就乱套了

所以说  各自干好自己该做的事吧  少一点唯我主义


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人吧  想在某个方面能够取得超出常人的成就  通常是很难  那可不是说很难  而巨艰!  也只有极少数极少数的人  才可以做得到


时刻调整自己去适应生活 适应环境  学习进步  尽量完善自己 把自己很多很多的弱点变得不那么容易影响自己行为举止

一个没有太明显弱点的人  倒是各项平均值比较高的人  是不是可以说:他很强大呢~~~


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做人做事的注意力向客观事实转变  淡化主观臆象跟想法

更多的是付出行动  而不过多于夸夸其谈  不着边际胡思乱想


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Over My Head  


Over My Head (Special Tour Edition Bonus) - Sum 41

What happened to you

You played the victim for so long now in this game

What I thought was true

Is made of fiction and I'm following the same

But if I try to make sense of this mess I'm in

I'm not sure where I should begin

I'm fallin'

I'm fallin'

Now I'm in over my head

For something I said

Completly misread i'm better off dead

And now i can see how fake you can be

This hypocracy's begining to get to me

It's none of my concern

Dont look to me 'cause i dont believe in fame

I guess you never heard i met our makers they dont even know your name

But if i had to say goodbye to leave this hell

And say my time has searved me well

I'm fallin'

I'm fallin'

And now i'm in over my head

With somethin i said competly misread i'm better off dead

And now i cant see how fake you can be this hypocracy's begining to get to

This came long before those who suffer more

I'm too awake for this to be a nightmare

What's with my discrase i've lost the human race

No one plans for it to low up in their face

Who said it was easy to put back all these pieces

Who said it was easy to put back all these pieces

And now i'm in

Over my head with somethin i said

Completly misread i'm better off dead

And now i can see how fake you can be

This hypocracy's begining to get to me

Over My Head (Better Off Dead)

Over my head(Better Off Dead)


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