
[资料&新闻] 【官方蓝贴】暗黑3新角色继续模仿暗黑2?


最近官方论坛有人嘲笑暴雪愚人节的恶搞,说角色其实都是以前的,特别的野蛮人,法师 ,巫医,其实就是D2中的野蛮人,法师,NEC的改造版。如果剩下的两人也是PAL+AMA+ASN+DRU的改造版,那么暗黑3就是一个非常失败的作品。暴雪的创造能力值得怀疑。


Anyway, there are a few archetypes of classic fantasy characters. Expecting us to do something completely outside of those archetypes for the sake of trying to be original is unnecessary, and would probably lead to something that's just ridiculous and not fun, or difficult to design - let alone balance.
I'm more than happy with you expressing your opinion, and as I summed it up yes essentially your opinion was that you wanted more originality. That's fine, but I was just saying the way in which it was presented was practically inedible.


Well, I'm not sure I can discuss much more without showing our hand. But! I think we'll have at least one class in the game that will appeal to everyone. And that's sort of the goal with the core game, hit those main archetypes that everyone can identify with. "Hey, a Wizard... I'm pretty sure I know what that's all about without even seeing it." Any potential expansions are probably where you'd try out something not of a core archetype like, say, an assassin or druid. ;P
The witch doctor is a bit riskier, and I think sometimes written off as just a twist on the necromancer, but no one has really seen most of his abilities and the flavor he brings. He still has a lot left for people to discover.
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原帖由 wayneps356 于 2009-4-17 21:07 发表
哈哈 顶你   好游戏 愿意为之等待...

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