Classic Median XL
Butcher: okay, this uber was buffed since MXL 2012 was supposed to be a really hard update. Its amusing to see many people can't find out how to do this, considering hacked chars probably can't, since you need to get HIT to do it. This said, the butcher has 20% chances to summon a binding circle on hit, which means, you need to get hit. Okay, the best thing here isn't getting you the one to be hit, but a summon. It can take some time though, and if you play on multiplayer and have huge ping like me, this uber is impossible. But it doesnt matter, there are always more strategies for this. Summon MORE butchers. This means, more circles, and you can be lucky and get a circle spawned on a butcher. This is probably best way for it, and less time consuming. Regular way is to use teleport to get him walking upon his own circle, but summoning more butchers is a better strategy here.
Tal Rasha: this uber is really easy too. Their AI's are rather stupid, and not very aggressive. This said, they cast spells, but they are pretty easy to avoid. If you're a ranged char simply dodge and kill them, while being a melee untwinked char like nagisin, its best to run away, lure them one by one, and also get rid of the baal morph which is hella annoying for some chars since it can slow you down. Note! this morph can make your attacks invisible (like Enfilade) this doesn't mean you're not using them. You are, so don't worry about this. If you still fail here, they pierce 250% resistances. So if you get total 325% resistances, you will reach the 75% resis, and if you have +%max res, you can get even more.
Assault on Mount Arreat: ok, this uber is easy, but can be annoying, for the simple fact that your hit recovery speed while morphed into diablo is terribly slow, so you can get hitlocked until death. This uber again can be done by luring monsters one by one, or by prebuffing field with skills like wychwind or broadside before summoning. 1 vs 1 fight against King Koth can be tricky for untwinked glass cannon builds. So you might want to get 1 summon to tank him, in order to prevent him from using skills such as Fortress.
Akarat: There are many ways to do this uber. If you're playing an assassin is not harder than spamming wychwind on a column and using dark summoning afterwards. For other characaters it can get more complex. Its also somehow based on luck, aka getting akarat hit. He dies really fast. The best non-cheesing strategy here is probably have 1 reanimate which you can get from any of the top/bottom areas, and have it tank monsters for a while, this will make it a lot easier.
Lord Aldric Jitan: this uber is once again very easy if you know what you're doing. Ok, since you're in act 5, the guards are probably not harder than regular elite monsters. The problem here is the boss, since he spams fortress like crazy and also heals. The basic here is ultra simple, it just requires some game knowledge: the boss has Vampire AI, just like King Koth, Tal Rasha, Diablo, Andariel, and several other bosses in the game. Once you know how this AI works the game is very simple.
Ok, this is how it works. This AI will use skills (which are usually ranged), and the boss will eventually roll a chance to walk into melee range to you. Once this chance is rolled, he will walk to you without attacking! getting this chance rolled is the core of these bosses, like Diablo. But here is what you need to know, once they are in melee range they will start melee fights, which means their chance to use skills is heavily decreased. This means you need to have either a summon or something tanking it, and that will prevent him from using his deadly attacks like Fortress, in case of Jitan, flamestrike in case of diablo, etc. So yes, this is it. Have 1 monster tanking it so the boss is busy fightning in melee, while you kill it.
Legacy of Blood: this uber is considerably harder in Ultimative. Why? since bartuc no longer dies from one hit, he will have more time to summon blood golems which are the problem here. So once again, cheesing here beats it all. Or, having summons. Summons will usually tank immolation bomb taking the 32 hits, hence while its heavily suggested to have summons. There is really no 'strategy' here, try to have summons, and if bartuc will drop resistances or not, is pure luck.
Judgement Day: this uber is considerably harder in Ultimative too, thanks to the buffs granted to Imperius and Malthael. The buffs are only defensive buffs, but why does this make the uber harder? One of their main attacks is to summon more nephalems. Which means, each boss needs to be killed as soon as possible. If you're a character with no summons and need edyrems for this very uber, I have good news, there is a strategy for this too. Basically, use dark summon on inner cloister. Drink health pots as you take damage. Eventually, an avatar will show up. The chances for them to spawn is again random, so you can reroll game and get them on first hit. After boss is spawned, you will probably die if using for example an assassin without summons. What you have to do (beforehand) is a TP on catacombs 1, next to entrance to Cathedral (and cleared cathedral). Once you died, simply go from TP, slowly. Edyrems are usually together so they will telport to you. Repeat until they are at your TP. Once you got this (TP should be at cata 1 entrance), go from Inner WP, and boss will be solo (since he doesnt teleport). Kill him and get charm. Now you got edyrems, which are all you need to get to succeed for the second part of this uber.
If you can't do the second part of the uber, which is fairly common, remake games, until both avatars spawn at the same time. Why? because if this doesnt happen, aka, imperius spawns 3 times for example, you will end up with a lot of nephalems more, so whenever both spawn, the fight will be alot more complex due to the amount of nephaelms attacking you. So, reroll a game until both spawn simultanely (which happens about 1 every 20 games) kill those, go to town and do upgrade.
Brother Laz (Secret Boss): this one required a dedicated char aka no untwinked crap you are able to use for any of the previous mentionated ubers. The strategy here is; purify, and apply open wounds as much as you can, after a few seconds without re-applying open wounds, you will need to re-cast purify. Techincally, you can do the uber with only 1 purify, but keeping open wounds non-stop after this, can be really tricky. This is why more than one purify is required. There are many tricks for this uber, and depending how good or bad player you are, they can be useful or not.
#1: most advanced strategy: take his HP down as much as you can, until grounds are full of groupies. Clear level & repeat.
#2 newbie strategy: this is really dedicated but will allow you to do laz no matter your skills. This is, lure him to Jungle, this means you will not need to re-run any area, which , once again, means you don't have to deal with groupies or Totems.
An useful trick here is to reroll map with a fire shrine. It will lower his health to 50%. Two shrines will lower it to 25%. But that takes a lot of time. How to kill the boss: ok, the time to purify, is as soon as he blinks to you. But beware, his blinks summon groupies. So basically, he teleports to you, you purify, hit in melee, run, and pray for him to follow you, re-applying OW as much as you can. If he doesn't follow you don't go for him, because you could get killed. The easiest strategy is to keep running, and reapplying purify+OW without getting even harmed.
If you can get multiplayer access, its handy to have a player with good killspeed to do the strategy #1, basically, one kills Laz while the other one clears room, and repeat. This is the fastest way.
Inarius (Secret): if you done CoV, you can do this. But beware, since in ultimative minions will use deathstrike upon death. The monsters are really simple since they only go into melee range like retards over and over again.