
[Diablo III] IGN 采访暴雪COO

[Diablo III] IGN 采访暴雪COO

出处:<a href="http://pc.ign.com/articles/727/727892p1.html" target="_blank">http://pc.ign.com/articles/727/727892p1.html</a>

GC 2006: StarCraft 2 Hints Dropped?

Is StarCraft 2 currently in the works? What other titles does Blizzard have stashed away for both PC and console?

by Tal Blevins

August 24, 2006 - While our meeting with Blizzard Chief Operating Officer Paul Sams today at the German Games Convention mainly focused on The Burning Crusade, the upcoming expansion for World of Warcraft, we did ask him about what the future holds in store for Blizzard, and specifically about StarCraft 2.

"StarCraft is my absolutely favorite game of all time," Sams told us. "As you probably already know, there is no doubt that we will continue the StarCraft and Diablo franchise, and trust me, I will be the happiest person in the world when we announce StarCraft 2."

While Sams wasn&#39;t ready to spill the beans just yet, he did say Blizzard "will have a major product announcement in 2007," and that Blizzard was currently working on at least three other unannounced titles at the moment.

In terms of what these games could be, we asked if they would fall in line with the major success Blizzard has had with World of Warcraft. "I want to be clear that we&#39;re not just content to be an MMO company," Sams explained. "Some other companies get into the role of making just MMOs, but Blizzard lets the developers pick what they want to work on, and it&#39;s not all MMOs."

When asked about StarCraft: Ghost, Sams said that it was on indefinite hold, but that Blizzard wasn&#39;t averse to exploring further console development in the future. "We&#39;ve been up to MS and they&#39;ve been at our office talking about Vista and 360," Sams said, "and we&#39;re certainly excited about some of the tools they have to offer in the console world as well as with Vista and DirectX 10. However, with our own online gaming service, we&#39;re going to pick and choose what we want to use; we&#39;re going to protect Battle.net and make sure Battle.net ranks supreme."


1#    暴雪肯定会做 Diablo 3      (……Sams told us. "As you probably already know, there is no doubt that we will continue the StarCraft and Diablo franchise……)和StarCraft 2:Ghost(什么时候公布未透漏)

2# 明年有一个重大产品公布。(Sc2? D3? others?)目前还同时开发着其他3个未公布的游戏(SC2/D3/OTHERS?)

3# “有的公司只做MMO,但是我们暴雪鼓励员工加入自己喜欢的游戏开发组,那些并不全是MMO。”(除了WOW是MMO,暴雪还没有其他MMO的游戏,那么新开发的游戏就很有可能不是MMO,如果可能是SC2/D3的话……呵呵)

4# 所有Blizzard产品中,最近和短暂未来会有更多的 不是 MMO模式 的暴雪风格游戏公布,以确保Diablo/StarCraft/WarCraft 的Online模式为主要联网游戏模式(再推第3点)。<div id="alert_tpc" style="color:gray;margin-top:30px">[ 此贴被storm_chasor在2006-09-07 07:35重新编辑 ]暴雪頭腦很醒...清楚知道遊戲界正普及收費模式...它偏偏出一次收費...正合不愛收費的一大群....       哈哈!不是很明白的说!不明白等待d3等待lad4,期待D3 不急,慢慢来。。。。
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