
IGN:Diablo 3 Not at E3 今年展出无d3,展出只展山口山

IGN:Diablo 3 Not at E3 今年展出无d3,展出只展山口山

Diablo 3 Not at E3Blizzard only showing WoW expansion at this year's show.by Dan Adams, Editor-in-Chief, IGNPC May 3, 2006 - While certain advertisements on IGN had hinted that Blizzard Entertainment would be showing Diablo 3 at this year's Electronic Entertainment Expo, it's unfortunately untrue. Through a gap in communication, the IGN Insider promo mistakenly implied that the game would be part of the coverage offered at next week's convention. Sadly for us all, this was simply a production error.Blizzard has no plans to show Diablo 3 at the conference, as they had told IGN editorial in the past. The developer is focusing all of their energy towards promotion of the first World of Warcraft expansion -- The Burning Crusade -- and will save any announcements they may or may not have planned for a later date.IGN would like to apologize for any misunderstanding the advertisement may have caused. Look for all of the updated info on World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade from E3 next week, and all new Blizzard products as they're announced in the future.http://pc.ign.com/articles/704/704813p1.html看不懂!麻烦翻译一下! 电子娱乐展只有WOW X 的事,跟D3没关系了其他的都是谣言啊都是谣言。。。 是啊 E3没有d3的消息哦....我是战神!!!!!!!!!!!我要恢复我的战神~~~~~~~~~~
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