
观众的提问, 加入中文。。谢谢6楼朋友~~

观众的提问, 加入中文。。谢谢6楼朋友~~


我中文并不太好,边翻译边贴上。 谁能帮忙把我的文法词汇修一番最好。

On the main stage live stream, the audience is asking questions right now. This is where I started watching. It's not exact, I can't type quite as fast as they were talking so I paraphrased a lot but hey it's better than nothing.

在官方主台直播中,观众正在发问问题, 我是从这里开始看得, 我打字并不如他们说话这么快,但我把重点都写出来,比没有来的好。

Q: Uh, one thing i really loved in d2 was the hardcore mode, do you plan to include this in D3?

问题:嗯。有一点我喜欢D2的就是Hardcore(专业级) 的部分,您打算把这部分加入D3吗?

A: We haven't decided, I don't see why we wouldn't. It's not something we have to decide until the end but lots of ppl loved HC so we probably will.

答:我们还未决定,我没有理由否定我不会这么做。 这并不是我们能在这阶段能决定得了的,如果人们都爱HC那我们就会加入HC。

Q: In D2, one of the problems was when u kill a boss, the player with fastest connection would take it all.

问题:在D2 其中一个问题就是当把boss 杀了一后,联网最好的玩家会把全部东西都归为己有。

A: We spent a lot of time thinking about what we wanted to do. In D3, the drop will fall numerous times for each individual player.

答:我问在这方面考虑了很久,在D2, 物品掉落会重复给每一个人。      

(=.= 好吧其实这句不太懂如何翻译)

Q: Will we be able to reset the skill tree?


A: Well, let's see, we're not really talking about skill systems or trees yet, but I will say it's a bad idea to not give some sort of capacity to respec your character but we haven't made any decisions at this time.

答: 我们并未考虑技能树,但我会说这是个不太好的想法,而应该尊重自己点过的技能,但我们还未决定任何事情。

Q: Would you say that the Witch Doctor was a replacement or a spiritual successor to the Necro?

问题:请问巫医是NEC 的代替品或者承续者?

A: We don't really view the WD as a replacement. The Necro is a very cool character. If we ever decided to recreate the Necro, the WD wouldn't prohibit us from doing that.

答:我们并不觉得巫医是个代替品. nec 是个非常酷的角色。 如果我们打算重新拟定NEC, 巫医不会在这方面有太大的阻碍。

Q: How does the gear system differ from D2?

问题: 请问装备系统跟D2有什么分别?

A: We have a whole bunch of new features for items we want to do. But the core system for items is not drastically changed. Prob one of the best things about D2 is how they handled items, drops, etc, the structure was so good. We want to make it a more friendly and cooperative game but those things are not all finalized.


Q: In D2, you had overpowered ppl in D2, with cheats and duping, etc


.A: Being able to prevent cheating is one of our top priorities. We know it really hurts the community.


Q: I would like to know if you were going to keep all the secret stuff in D2. Things you have to discover by yourself when you play.


A: The super secret stuff? That's a secret.


Q: Will single and coop play be balanced. In WoW, some things can't be done alone and you need large groups.


A: I think you're talking about the rewards. Obviously the gameplay will be different in a group but... there is no item currently planned that drops for groups only. Everything you could get as a group, you can get by yourself.


Q: Since 2001 with LoD, we haven't had much news, what's been going on?


A: We've been working. Uh yeah, the development of a Blizzard product is a long affair. And what we've been working on is trying to make sure the game is worthy of being a Blizzard product and will be worthy of the fans and this is how long it's taken us to feel ready.


Q: Will male and female have different attributes or just different skins?


A: Same stats, just a visual difference. An aesthetic choice.


Q: System requirements? Dx 10 or Dx 9? Comparable to WoW?


A: We haven't settled on specs but it's always our goal to try and make our games run on as broad of a spectrum as possible. I couldn't tell you if it would run perfectly on a WoW system, but we at Blizzard don't make super high graphical games, that's just not our thing. We don't require Dx 10 at this time and I don't think we will.


Q: Do you plan on creating some map editor for D3?


A: We have not nailed any type of specifics about map editors or modders. Our games are usually not very mod-friendly because of the complex, random mechanisms. So it's not something we focus on and nothing of the sort is planned at this time.


Q: In D2, there were rune words, will you be keeping and maybe expanding this system?


A: Hmmm... no comment at this time.


"That concludes our questions to this panel, thanks to Jay and Eric... next here on main stage, live raid with.. Nehelim(i think)."


I can't believe no one asked about how many players in a game simultaneously. Or maybe it was asked earlier.

我简直不敢相信有人问,同时会有多少人在游戏中。似乎问的早了点。[ 此贴被roimekoi在2008-06-28 22:44重新编辑 ]这个 看不懂仔细看慢慢看 redundant....[ 此贴被roimekoi在2008-06-28 22:43重新编辑 ]Q: Will single and coop play be balanced. In WoW, some things can't be done alone and you need large groups.

A: I think you're talking about the rewards. Obviously the gameplay will be different in a group but... there is no item currently planned that drops for groups only. Everything you could get as a group, you can get by yourself.

哈哈,果然还是战网模式,不是网游模式,顶顶顶!!!看完了 有意思Quote:引用第5楼kotoss于2008-06-28 22:13发表的  :

看完了 有意思


Q: How does the gear system differ from D2?

问题: 请问装备系统跟D2有什么分别?

A: We have a whole bunch of new features for items we want to do. But the core system for items is not drastically changed. Prob one of the best things about D2 is how they handled items, drops, etc, the structure was so good. We want to make it a more friendly and cooperative game but those things are not all finalized.


Q: In D2, you had overpowered ppl in D2, with cheats and duping, etc


.A: Being able to prevent cheating is one of our top priorities. We know it really hurts the community.


Q: I would like to know if you were going to keep all the secret stuff in D2. Things you have to discover by yourself when you play.


A: The super secret stuff? That's a secret.


Q: Will single and coop play be balanced. In WoW, some things can't be done alone and you need large groups.


A: I think you're talking about the rewards. Obviously the gameplay will be different in a group but... there is no item currently planned that drops for groups only. Everything you could get as a group, you can get by yourself.


Q: Since 2001 with LoD, we haven't had much news, what's been going on?


A: We've been working. Uh yeah, the development of a Blizzard product is a long affair. And what we've been working on is trying to make sure the game is worthy of being a Blizzard product and will be worthy of the fans and this is how long it's taken us to feel ready.


Q: Will male and female have different attributes or just different skins?


A: Same stats, just a visual difference. An aesthetic choice.


Q: System requirements? Dx 10 or Dx 9? Comparable to WoW?


A: We haven't settled on specs but it's always our goal to try and make our games run on as broad of a spectrum as possible. I couldn't tell you if it would run perfectly on a WoW system, but we at Blizzard don't make super high graphical games, that's just not our thing. We don't require Dx 10 at this time and I don't think we will.


Q: Do you plan on creating some map editor for D3?


A: We have not nailed any type of specifics about map editors or modders. Our games are usually not very mod-friendly because of the complex, random mechanisms. So it's not something we focus on and nothing of the sort is planned at this time.


Q: In D2, there were rune words, will you be keeping and maybe expanding this system?


A: Hmmm... no comment at this time.


"That concludes our questions to this panel, thanks to Jay and Eric... next here on main stage, live raid with.. Nehelim(i think)."


I can't believe no one asked about how many players in a game simultaneously. Or maybe it was asked earlier.

我简直不敢相信有人问,同时会有多少人在游戏中。似乎问的早了点。 楼上翻译拿了,毕竟不是专业的。。 已经很不错了。物品掉落会重复给每一个人,喜欢,不用去拼命抢了还是战网玩啊,要命的喜欢。不喜欢天赋重置,想到WOW就恶心,暴雪千万别出类似的作品了,捞一票资金用来做些让真正玩家心动的游戏吧。
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