可以将diablo2 的游戏场景分辨率提高,类似远视角裁图效果(高清图):
Installing instructions(安装指南):
You will need Diablo II v1.12 (必须是1.12版本)
1.Unzip (解压 )
2.Put the exe,dll and mpq file in your d2 directory. (覆盖到D2文件)
3.Run D2MultiResGame.exe (运行D2MultiResGame.exe )
4.When in game, press esc -> Video options and select resolution. (
This is just a patched 1.12 exe. You can use the normal command line switches (e.g -w for window) if you make a shortcut.
If you have a decent monitor you might have too many modes to be displayed in the ingame list (you can't scroll)
To select your highest resolution you'll have to find the D2MultiResLog.txt file in your diablo directory.
You'll se something along these lines:
Loading D2MultiRes v1.02
Enumerating Display Modes...
Added Display Mode: 10: 640 x 480
Added Display Mode: 11: 720 x 480
Added Display Mode: 12: 720 x 576
Added Display Mode: 13: 800 x 600
Open regedit, go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Blizzard Entertainment\Diablo II\D2RMRes
Select Decimal and type in the Display mode number from D2MultiResLog.txt, eg 26.
Next time you start D2MultiResGame.exe it will enter that mode as soon as you start a game.