d2/d2x d2loader参数全解
d2/d2x d2loader参数全解(中文版)
<n> 代表数字, <s>代表字符串
短参数 完整参数 描述
-exp -expansion 切换到扩展模式
-w -window 切换到窗口模式
-glide -glide 使用Glide显示模式
-opengl -opengl 使用OpenGL显示模式
-d3d -d3d 使用Direct 3D显示模式
-rave -rave 使用Rave显示模式,仅适用于Mac
-per -perspective 打开透视模式,仅适用于全屏非Direct Draw模式
-lq -lowquality 低图像质量(高速度)
-gamma <n> -gamma <n> 设置Gamma值为<n>
-vsync -vsync 打开VSync
-fr <n> -framerate <n> 甚至帧速率为<n>
-s <s> -serverip <s> 设置TCP/IP游戏服务器的IP为<s>
-gametype <n> -gametype <n> 设置游戏类型为<n>
-joinid <n> -joinid <n> 设置加入游戏的ID为<n>
-gamename <s> -gamename <s> 设置游戏名为<s>
-bn <s> -battlenetip <s> 设置battle.net服务器IP为<s>
-mcpip <s> -mcpip <s> 设置mcpip服务器IP为<s>
-nopk -nopk 禁止PK(好像无效)
-openc -openc 不清楚
-arena <n> -arena <n> 无效
-difficulty -difficulty 无效
-txt -txt 给MOD制作者,用于创建.bin文件
-ama -ama 设置角色类型为ama
-pal -pal 设置角色类型为pal
-sor -sor 设置角色类型为sor
-nec -nec 设置角色类型为nec
-bar -bar 设置角色类型为bar
-dru -dru 设置角色类型为dru
-asn -asn 设置角色类型为asn
-i -invincible 隐形?(好像无效)
-bnacct <s> -bnacct <s> 设置battle.net账号名字为<s>
-bnpass <s> -bnpass <s> 设置battle.net密码为<s>
-name <s> -name <s> 设置battle.net角色名字为<s>
-realm <s> -realm <s> 设置battle.net服务器(Realm)名字为<s>
-ctemp <n> -ctemp <n> 在arena模式使用第<n>个角色的模板
-nm -nomonster 无怪物?(无效)
-m <n> -monsterclass <n> 不清楚
-minfo -monsterinfo 显示怪物信息?(无效)
-md <n> -monsterdebug <n> 不清楚
-rare -rare 全稀有( Rare )物品?(无效)
-unique -unique 全独特(Unique)物品?(无效)
-act <n> -act <n> 设置初始位置为第<n>幕
-log -log 激活log(无效)
-msglog -msglog 激活msglog
-safe -safemode 安全模式?
-seed <n> -seed <n> 设置地图种子(ala5:可理解为地图ID)为<n>
-cheats -cheats 不清初
-ns -nosound 无声模式
-questall -questall 不清楚
-npl -nopreload 不预读取游戏文件
-direct -direct 直接从硬盘上(ala5:而非mpq文件中)读取数据
-lem -lowend 不清楚
-nocompress -nocompress 无压缩
-comint <n> -comint <n> 动态数据结构(别碰它)
-token <n> -token <n> 设置关闭游戏的令牌为<n>
-gamepass <s> -gamepass <s> 设置游戏密码为<s>
-skiptobnet -skiptobnet 直接进入battle.net
-client -client 客户端模式
-server -server 服务器端模式,需要d2server.dll
-launch -launch 运行模式(默认)
-notitle -notitle 无窗口标题栏
-res800 -res800 窗口大小为800x600(仅适用于D2,对D2X无效)
-res640 -res640 窗口大小为640x480(仅适用于D2,对D2X无效)
-nonotify -nonotify 关闭错误信息报警
-noexit -noexit 不自动退出
-autorest -autorest 退出后自动重新启动游戏
-multiclient -multiclient 1个cdkey可以启动多个客户端游戏
-nohook -nohook 禁止Windows钩子
-nochar -nochar 禁止角色图像
-clientexit -clientexit 退出游戏时自动关闭客户端游戏程序
-noscript -noscript 不读取脚本
-noplugin -noplugin 不导入Plug-in
-lng <s> -lng <s> 设置语言为<s>:ENG(英语),CHN(中文)
-hookwnd <s> -hookwnd <s> 设置钩子窗口类为<s>
-hookexe <s> -hookexe <s> 设置钩子版本校验game.exe为<s>
-servername <s> -servername <s> 设置游戏服务器端名字为<s>
-title <s> -title <s> 设置窗口标题为<s>
d2/d2x d2loader参数全解(英文原版)
Full list of Parameters : (ignores them newbies)
<n> here means a number, <s> here means a string
Short name Full name Description
1.Video options
-exp -expansion switch expansion mode
-w -window switch window mode
-glide -glide use glide video mode
-opengl -opengl use opengl video mode
-d3d -d3d use direct3d video mode
-rave -rave use rave graphics modes,might be Mac only.
-per -perspective turn Perspective mode on,available only
on full screen non-ddraw mode
-lq -lowquality decreases the quality of graphical aspects
of the game, therefore speeding up the game
-gamma <n> -gamma <n> set gamma to <n>
-vsync -vsync might be turns visual syncronizing on
-fr <n> -framerate <n> set frame rate to <n>
2.Network options
-s <s> -serverip <s> set tcp/ip game server ip to <s>
-gametype <n> -gametype <n> set game type to <n>
-joinid <n> -joinid <n> set join id to <n>
-gamename <s> -gamename <s> set gamename to <s>
-bn <s> -battlenetip <s> set battle.net server ip to <s>
-mcpip <s> -mcpip <s> set mcpip server ip to <s>
-nopk -nopk disable pk (seems no function now)
-openc -openc not sure
3.Game options
-arena <n> -arena <n> no use now
-difficulty -difficulty no use now
-txt -txt for mod creator, generate .bin file
4.Character options
-ama -ama set character class to ama
-pal -pal set character class to pal
-sor -sor set character class to sor
-nec -nec set character class to nec
-bar -bar set character class to bar
-dru -dru set character class to dru
-asn -asn set character class to asn
-i -invincible invincible? seems no use now
-bnacct <s> -bnacct <s> set battle.net account name to <s>
-bnpass <s> -bnpass <s> set battle.net password to <s>
-name <s> -name <s> set battle.net character name to <s>
-realm <s> -realm <s> set battle.net realm name to <s>
-ctemp <n> -ctemp <n> use <n>th character template in arena mode
5.Monster options
-nm -nomonster no monster? no use now
-m <n> -monsterclass <n> not sure
-minfo -monsterinfo show monster info? no use now
-md <n> -monsterdebug <n> not sure
6.Item options
-rare -rare all rare item? (no use now)
-unique -unique all unique item? (no use now)
7.Interface options
-act <n> -act <n> set initial act to <n>
8.Debug options
-log -log active log (no use now)
-msglog -msglog active msglog
-safe -safemode run in safe mode?
-seed <n> -seed <n> set map seed to <n>
-cheats -cheats not sure
-ns -nosound disable all sound
-questall -questall not sure
9. File I/O options
-npl -nopreload no preload game files
-direct -direct load data directly from disk
-lem -lowend not sure
-nocompress -nocompress no compression
-comint <n> -comint <n> no touch it,dynamic data structure
-token <n> -token <n> set close game token to <n>
-gamepass <s> -gamepass <s> set game password to <s>
-skiptobnet -skiptobnet go battle.net directly
10. Custom options
-client -client run in client mode (in game directly)
-server -server server mode, need d2server.dll
-launch -launch launch mode (default one)
-notitle -notitle no window title bar
-res800 -res800 start window in 800x600 (for d2)
-res640 -res640 start window in 640x480 (for d2)
-nonotify -nonotify no error notify
-noexit -noexit no auto exit
-autorest -autorest auto restart after exit
-multiclient -multiclient 1 cdkey multiple characters
-nohook -nohook disable hook
-nochar -nochar disable character image
-clientexit -clientexit exit after quit game
-noscript -noscript do not load scripts
-noplugin -noplugin do not load plugins
-lng <s> -lng <s> set language to <s> (only ENG, CHN now)
-hookwnd <s> -hookwnd <s> set hook window class to <s>
-hookexe <s> -hookexe <s> set hook version check game.exe to <s>
-servername <s> -servername <s> set game server name to <s>
-title <s> -title <s> set window title to <s>