- Balefire: no longer looks like it pierces even though it doesn't; greatly increased minimum damage.
- Pounce: oskill timer reduced from 0.8 to 0.5 seconds.
- Renamed Wings of Wrath to Wild and Free JUST TO MESS WITH YOUR GUIDES TROLOLOL.
- Psychic Scream: increased radius and flee duration.
- Cascade: doubled arrow range (target seek range unchanged).
- Ring of Light: damage doubled.
- Force Wall: increased wall length; fudged duration.
- Miasma: slightly reduced emitter speed (minor radius nerf).
- Tantrum: reverted v002 nerfs (no longer has ND) but slightly reduced duration.
Cube Recipes
- Implemented rad82's optimisations:
--- Reduced cube recipe list size, speeding up the cube.
--- Fixed several bugs with shrine crafts.
--- Implemented mass destruction recipes to eliminate multiple items using your handy Catalyst of Destruction.
--- Expanded rune upgrade recipes: now you can cube 4 of the same rune, or 2 runes and 1 next higher rune, to upgrade to the rune 2 grades up (as opposed to doing it in 2 steps).
--- Idem for gems.
--- The Demon Core now gives the correct skill proc.
- Removed Warlocks.
- Fireblood: molten boulder attack no longer deals (large amounts of) damage, but causes repeated knockback and 10 second stun, leaving you vulnerable to other monsters.
- Stone Hammer Demon: reduced maximum damage, preventing damage spikes.
Drop rates
- Tran Athulua: increased unique drop bias.
- Removed the annoying (instakill) Punisher trap and implemented the Repulsor trap, which is a slowly expanding nova that repeatedly knocks you back.